SQL Query for how to get on-hand quantity of inventory Items.

SELECT ALL mtl.organization_id, orgs.NAME organization_name,
           mtl.inventory_item_id, mtl.segment1 item_number,
           mtl.description item_description, mtl.item_type,
           mtl.inventory_item_status_code, mtl.primary_uom_code,
-- onhand Qty
                      (  TO_NUMBER ((SELECT SUM (NVL (motv.on_hand, 0))
                            FROM apps.mtl_onhand_total_v motv
                           WHERE mtl.inventory_item_id =
                             AND mtl.organization_id = motv.organization_id)
            + NVL ((SELECT -1 * SUM (NVL (primary_quantity, 0))
                                 FROM   mtl_material_transactions mmt
                     WHERE mmt.inventory_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id
                       AND mmt.organization_id = mtl.organization_id
                       AND mmt.costed_flag IN ('N', 'E')
                       AND mmt.transaction_action_id NOT IN
                                                     (24, 40, 41, 50, 51, 52)
                       AND NVL (mmt.owning_tp_type, 2) = 2
                       AND mmt.organization_id =
                              NVL (mmt.owning_organization_id,
                       AND NVL (mmt.logical_transaction, -1) <> 1),
           ) current_onhand  ,
           TO_NUMBER (NVL ((SELECT SUM (cict.item_cost)
                              FROM apps.cst_item_cost_type_v cict
                             WHERE mtl.inventory_item_id = cict.inventory_item_id(+)
                               AND mtl.organization_id = cict.organization_id(+)
                               AND cict.cost_type = 'Frozen'),
                     ) current_cost,
           DECODE (mtl.planning_make_buy_code,
                   2, 'Buy',
                   1, 'Make',
                  ) make_buy_code,
           (SELECT organization_code
              FROM org_organization_definitions ood
             WHERE orgs.organization_id =
      FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b mtl,
           apps.hr_all_organization_units orgs,
           apps.mtl_item_categories_v cat
     WHERE orgs.organization_id = mtl.organization_id
       AND (    mtl.inventory_item_id = cat.inventory_item_id(+)
            AND mtl.organization_id = cat.organization_id(+)
            AND cat.category_set_id = 1
       AND (SELECT SUM (motv.on_hand)
              FROM apps.mtl_onhand_total_v motv
             WHERE mtl.inventory_item_id = motv.inventory_item_id
               AND mtl.organization_id = motv.organization_id) > 0;
SQL Query for how to get on-hand quantity of inventory Items. SQL Query for how to get on-hand quantity of inventory Items. Reviewed by oracle e-business Suite R12 on October 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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