What is an API?

An application programming interface (API) is a source code based specification intended to be used as an interface by software components to communicate with each other.

Types of Oracle APIs

Private APIs: Private APIs are for internal, development use only. 
Public APIs: Public APIs are designed for customers and Oracle consultants to integrate non-Oracle systems into Oracle e-Business Suite or to extend the functionality of the base products. 
Public, published APIs: Public Published APIs are guaranteed by Oracle to remain valid from release to release and that patches will not alter the API behavior. Public, published APIs are supported by Oracle to the same extent as released software.

Query to find APIs
You can use the below query to find out the APIs 

  SUBSTR(a.NAME,1,30)        ,
  SUBSTR(a.TYPE,1,20)        ,
  SUBSTR(u.status,1,10) Stat ,
  u.last_ddl_time            ,
  SUBSTR(text,1,80) Description
   FROM dba_source a,
  dba_objects u
  WHERE 2         =2
AND u.object_name = a.name
AND a.text LIKE '%Header%'
AND a.type = u.object_type
AND a.name LIKE 'PA_%API%'
ORDER BY a.owner,

Output or Result:

EBS API EBS API Reviewed by oracle e-business Suite R12 on May 14, 2018 Rating: 5

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