The Shipping Transaction Form, the delivery detail line status shows as Shipped, with next step showing Run Interfaces

After Ship Confirm is complete in the Shipping Transaction Form, the delivery detail line status still shows as 'Shipped', with next step showing 'Run Interfaces'.
Line Status: Shipped

Next Step: Run Interfaces

Steps: 1. Go to Order Management Responsibility->Shipping->Transactions->

Steps: 2. Put the Org Code and Line Status Shipped then Click on Find Button. 

Steps: 3.

Then go to Inventory Module check the below
Error Code: Transaction processor error
Error Explanation: Negative balances not allowed

Steps: 4.
Steps: 5.

Steps: 6.
Steps: 7. 

Steps : 8.

Then Save and Close the screen
Go to Tools menu->Resubmit All->then Save and Close.
steps: 1. Inventory > setup > Transactions > Interface managers
Steps: 9.

Then go to Tools->Launch Managers->



Then View->Requests->Click on Find Button 


Steps: 15.
(Again Check the Item) No Item here because no Error.
Complete this.

The Shipping Transaction Form, the delivery detail line status shows as Shipped, with next step showing Run Interfaces The Shipping Transaction Form, the delivery detail line status shows as Shipped, with next step showing Run Interfaces Reviewed by oracle e-business Suite R12 on October 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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